Spa & Salon
8:00AM to 10:00PM
Managed by Meghavi Wellness, ranked as number 1 in India, spanning across 15+ cities having over 50+ centres, trusted by over 7500 members and serving 1.50 Lakh sessions annually.
Meghavi boasts of a world-class spa menu with over 50 therapies, focusing on rejuvenating the body and mind through therapeutic massages ranging from everyday stress busters to exclusive massages like Kansa Wand Massage, Hot Stone Massage, Warm Bamboo Massage, Herbal Potli Massage, to Classical massages like Deep Tissue, Balinese, Swedish, Aromatherapy, Foot Reflexology, Body Scrubs, Wraps & Facials aiming to reduce stress, improve circulation, and promote overall well-being.Read More
Therapists are highly trained, and certified by the International Institute of Spa and Beauty Training. The minimum age for entry to the Spa is 16 years of age.
Meghavi salon specializes in hair, skin, and nail care, including hairstyling, manicures, pedicures, and makeup application with personalized attention to bridal makeups.
Prior appointment is essential to avail the services at the spa and salon. Less